Looking for Meaningful Work? Start With Self-Awareness
The sudden global slowdown triggered by Covid-19 provided many of us with space to reflect on our lives and what we want out of them. One of the biggest takeaways has been a clear desire for more meaning and a sense of purpose. Given that our jobs take up a significant chunk of our days, it’s a clear area of opportunity to dedicate our time to doing something worthwhile. The challenge is that meaningful work isn’t the same for all of us. We each have our own unique perspective that influences what we deem important. So, to find work that is meaningful to you, start by clarifying your values, interests, and favorite skills. By defining these, you’ll be able to describe them to others as you seek out job opportunities that align with all three.
Clarifying Your Values
Your values are your personal guiding principles. They show up in your decisions and how you engage with others. Living your values is one of the most powerful ways of infusing your life and work with meaning. When you’re clear on your values and are able to name them, you’re better able to seek out opportunities to put them into practice. If you aren’t sure what your values are or are struggling to put them into words, check out Handprint’s Core Values Workbook.
Identifying Your Interests
Are there certain topics, hobbies, or activities that you find yourself drawn to and enjoy engaging with for hours on end? What is it about these pursuits that attract you? Our personal interests keep us motivated and contribute to our overall happiness. Opportunities that combine what we like doing in our free time with what we do for work can bring more enjoyment to our work life. Knowing your interests can help you to identify industries or fields that would be a great fit for you. Start by making a list of every personal interest that comes to mind. Then categorize them into two separate groups: those which you’d like to keep as hobbies, and those which you’d like to bring into your work.
Taking Inventory of Your Skills
Although skills, knowledges, and attributes are different, they’re often used interchangeably in the world of work. Taking inventory of all three will be beneficial to your job search journey. Once you start writing them down, you’ll likely discover you have a long list of skills and knowledge you can draw from. But, just because you can do something or know something doesn’t mean you love it. So, the next thing you want to do is narrow your list down to only the skills you’d like to continue utilizing and honing. Don’t be afraid to include new and developing skills, knowledges, and attributes that energize you, as these are likely to be aligned with the direction you want to go, rather than where you’ve been.
Seeking Meaningful Work Opportunities
After going through the process of identifying your core values, interests, and favorite skills, you’ll likely start noticing some relationships between them. Use this information to think about the types of jobs, companies and industries that you would enjoy. If you’re ready for a bigger change, consider fields and jobs beyond those that you already have experience in. We all have skills that can be transferred into different functions so don’t be afraid to get creative and cast a wide net.
Use all the information you’ve gained through this process to update your public profiles on career platforms as well your resume. This will help increase your chances of landing your dream job. But keep in mind this process isn’t just about promoting or selling yourself; you also need to make sure the job and company are going to provide the best environment for you. Ask questions during the hiring process to be sure that you’re making the right choice.
As we learn and grow we develop new skills, discover new interests, and can even shift our values. So don’t assume that something which provides meaning and fulfillment today will continue to do so in the future. Check in with yourself periodically to make sure you’re able to continue maintaining a work experience that is meaningful to you.